Seasonal colds, air travel, and back-to-school – oh my! We are constantly exposed to potentially harmful germs, viruses, and microbes on a daily basis; it’s just a part of life. Luckily, our immune system – a mixture of organs, cells, and proteins – is hard at work protecting us. But there are certainly some peak times in life when you could use some extra defense.
Some people have a stronger immune system than others – which could be a possible reason why you caught a cold after your most recent trip back home for the holidays but your significant other didn’t. Luckily, it’s something you can make stronger with your beta glucan supplements.
Prolonged usage of beta glucan is helpful for a strong immune system, but you may be wondering if you can just boost before a big event. The short answer is: yes!
We’re diving into the most frequently discussed scenarios when you should consider beta glucans as your “health helper,” plus how much dosage is recommended. Let’s get started!
Traveling Abroad

Depending on where you’re traveling, you may be exposed to entirely new infectious diseases like yellow fever or hepatitis B.
We are not claiming beta glucans are a replacement for disease immunizations that are prominent in specific regions around the world. But it’s important to remember that, when traveling to a foreign country, you will be exposed to a myriad of new sounds, tastes, smells, traditions, and yes – even germs. So why not give your immune system the best chance it has to keep you running as normal? To reduce the risk of sickness dampening your vacation or travel time (adios, stomach bugs!), grab your beta glucans.
Recommended dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight three days prior to departure and three days after returning. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Traveling by Plane
Along the same lines as the topic above, traveling anywhere by plane – international or just to the next big city over – is a great moment to add “take my beta glucans” to that pre-flight to-do list.
While travel is super beneficial for the mind and soul, the act of getting on a plane can be draining to the body. One obvious reason: bacteria and viruses can survive longer in low-humidity environments (1). In addition, you’re breathing in recycled air.
Factor that in with the knowledge that flying can negatively impact your normal bodily functions (well, you are 30,000 feet above the ground!), it’s obvious we’re talking about more pathogens + weakened immune system = more chances of getting sick. (2)
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight three days prior to flight departure until three days after returning. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Going on a Cruise
Cruises – in addition to the excitement, exploration to see new places, and beautiful seascapes – are well-known for being a laid-back way to travel.
However, the main health risk on a cruise ship is person-to-person contact. Being close to hundreds or even thousands of people, contagious illnesses spread quickly in such an environment. So while you may be packing your mask and hand sanitizer for your voyage, you can also help out your immune system by taking your beta glucan supplements before you set sail.
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight three days prior to embarking until three days after disembarking. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Visiting a Loved One in the Hospital
Going to a hospital can already be quite nerve-wracking. At this sensitive and vulnerable time, you are probably fully focused on seeing your loved one – not necessarily on your own health.
But as anyone who has been a caregiver – from just a few days to years – will say, you need to figure out ways to keep yourself healthy, too.
The NHS has a list of simple things to do to protect your health while at the hospital, including prioritizing hand hygiene and not sharing the patient's toiletries, tissues, or hospital equipment. (3)
And, of course, if you know you’ll be spending some time inside a health center, it’s a great time to amp up your immune system with those beta glucans.
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight three days prior to the visit until three days after the visit. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Back to School for Teachers
Between touching, grabbing, manners yet to be learned, and children with underdeveloped immune systems coming in with colds left and right, it’s hard for teachers to feel prepared for that battle – on top of all the classroom set-up and lesson prep!
One CNN report tells us: “On average, elementary school children get six to eight colds each school year, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. For high school kids, it’s about half that. (4)(5) … Teachers and parents commonly refer to this cold and flu phenomenon as the ‘back-to-school plague.’” (6)
To boost your immune system so you're prepped for the first day of school and beyond, break out the beta glucans!
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight when school starts back and during peak cold/flu seasons. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Peak Seasons for Physicians
According to a study by The Script, “Averaged across all specialties, we found that March was the busiest month of the year, followed closely by January and August,” noting things can differ by specialty. For example, pediatricians are busiest in August and allergists are busiest in the spring. (7)
If you’re a nurse or doctor yourself, you certainly know when peak season is at your clinic. To combat the ebbs and flows in medical practice volume that is connected to predictable events such as cold & flu season, boost your immune system and experience the amazing benefits of beta glucans.
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight during peak cold/flu seasons. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Cold, Flu & Allergy Season
The changing of the seasons is usually an exciting time, filled with new weather, new goals, and new plans. But it also comes with new challenges, which makes these transitions a good time to get serious about your immune health.
The most obvious time is around winter, as viruses do tend to transmit faster in drier, colder conditions. According to Penn Medicine, “It's perfectly normal for adults to sneeze and sniffle through two or three colds each year. Most people bounce back in seven to 10 days.” (8) But if you’re constantly catching colds and suffering from lingering symptoms, or you’re simply one of those “I can’t afford to get sick right now!” types of professionals, it may be due to a sluggish response from your immune system.
Along the same lines, allergy season is one of many different peaks, depending on where you live. Most people suffer from spring allergies when trees begin to blossom, sending tree pollen into the breeze, affecting many of us like clockwork. Here’s an overview of the main allergens:
- Tree pollen—March/April
- Grass pollen—June/July
- Ragweed—Fall
- Mold—Fall
If any of these scenarios sound like you, you may want to set up your subscription for beta glucans around the same time you break out your winter wardrobe or start your spring cleaning.
Recommended dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight during these peak allergy/cold/flu seasons. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Going to a Concert or Large Indoor Event
After 2020, the fear of entering a large group of people and leaving sick has certainly grown. Whether it’s a sporting event, an exciting concert, or a night out in New York finished with a Broadway show, it’s always been a smart thing to take caution. Because here’s the thing: viruses spread easily through the air when people are less than 6 feet apart.
Moreover, viruses can hang around the air of indoor spaces for up to 3 hours. This is what has been referred to as "Festival Flu," as many people end up sick a weekend after concerts. (9)
So if you’re planning a long weekend filled with activities, you certainly don’t want to feel sick or sluggish to ruin the rest of your planned activities. To ensure maximum immune system benefits before entering a sea of people this year or the next, add beta glucans to your “pack” list.
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight three days prior to the concert/event until three days after the concert/event. Return to maintenance dosage after this time frame (2 - 100mg capsules daily).
Unclean or Contaminated Water
The average American consumes 1 to 2 liters of drinking water per day – but not everyone has access to safe, clean water 24/7. Water shortages and boil advisories are very prevalent in cities throughout the country – meaning your community’s water could have germs that can make you sick.
This is often due to infrastructural issues, power outages, floods, water-line breaks, well problems, the loss of water pressure, loss of disinfection, or storms such as the latest big winter freeze that caused a water crisis in the South. (10)
Alternatively, you may just live in one of these cities burdened with unclean tap water. (11) In either case, you may be reaching for bottled water or boiling tap water to quench your thirst. However, having a strong immune response can help your body protect against harmful bacteria in the contaminated water.
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight during shortages and boil advisories. Return to maintenance dosage (2 - 100mg capsules daily) a week after the advisory has been lifted.
Exposure to Chemicals and Environmental Toxins
Calling all firefighters, factory workers, radiation techs – and more! Every job has its own health hazards, but if your job calls for you to work directly with chemicals, you may benefit from boosting your immune system in order to protect yourself from daily chemical exposure.
And for the rest of us? There are still daily environmental toxins to look out for, such as smog, UV rays, contaminated foods, and even second-hand smoke – most of which you cannot totally avoid! But if your job or lifestyle requires you to be outside most of the day, you, too, will benefit from an immune system boosted by beta glucans to help fight those environmental toxins.
Recommended Dosage: One 500mg capsule per 50 lbs. of body weight at all times due to these intense conditions.
Stay Strong During Big Life Events & Beyond
As anyone reading this has surely experienced, your immune system can’t protect you 100% of the time, especially when you’ve been in close quarters with foreign germs or just tons of people putting you at risk for exposure. Hopefully, you are now armed with the knowledge to use your beta glucan supplements by Better Way Health – the most studied, natural immune system supplement in the world – as your sidekick during these important moments in your life.
How does our Beta Glucan stack up?
Better Way Health Beta Glucan vs Avena Sativa (OAT) Seed Extract
Better Way Health Beta Glucan vs ImmunotiX 500
Better Way Health Beta Glucan vs Youngevity® Killer Biotic Fx®