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7,000 5 Star Reviews | Exclusive Pro pricing | Since 1999

  • My Naturopathic Doctor is pleased with my progress. The blood doesn't lie!


  • My doctor and I are very pleased with improvements after taking Beta Glucan which are better than others with my same condition. I attribute that in part - maybe even large part- to Beta Glucan from Better Way.


  • The BetaGlucan is one of my daily weapons of choice in my battle ... and so far I'm winning. My doctor is baffled at my lab numbers


  • There are many beta glucans, but this one is the best. Our alternative doctor recommended this supplement.


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  • What is Beta Glucan

    Inside the fungus cell wall sits “Nature’s Secret”

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  • Which is the Best Beta Glucan?

    9 studies that tested 206 types of Immune Boosters 

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  • Our Beta Glucan Compared to NSC

    Our beta glucan was found to be 160x More Effective in the 2010 Study titled "β 1,3-Glucan: Silver Bullet or Hot Air?

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  • Top 10 Questions about Beta Glucan

    Answered by the Formulator (Updated 2024)

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